Eino Tuominen
2010-05-07 18:37:13 UTC
Jep, Microsoft on saanut patentin, jossa sanotaan mm:
"A portable storage device includes an interface and one or more flash
memories. The one or more flash memories store one or more executable
files that can be executed by a host computer to which the device is
coupled without altering any environment settings on the host computer
even though the one or more executable files include instructions to
access environment settings. Additionally, the application is bound to
the portable storage device during an activation process."
Yrittäkääs patentoida vaikka "portable musical instrument" ja vaatikaa
rojalteja kaikilta soitinvalmistajilta.
Jep, Microsoft on saanut patentin, jossa sanotaan mm:
"A portable storage device includes an interface and one or more flash
memories. The one or more flash memories store one or more executable
files that can be executed by a host computer to which the device is
coupled without altering any environment settings on the host computer
even though the one or more executable files include instructions to
access environment settings. Additionally, the application is bound to
the portable storage device during an activation process."
Yrittäkääs patentoida vaikka "portable musical instrument" ja vaatikaa
rojalteja kaikilta soitinvalmistajilta.
Eino Tuominen
Eino Tuominen